Monday, December 5, 2011


Tina deadlift 125 5 rep max was heavy
WOD C&J 50 lbs was easy and actually push pressed. Go up next time to 55 or more. Needs to finish and keep arms straight till time is right.

Lindsay - 5 rep max on DL was 145 it was easy, but she was sore so I called it there. Could probably do 180ish.

Wod used 75lbs and did well, dropped inbetween each rep, so it took a while. back bent at the beginning of each clean. Pressing out at the end of the jerk.


Has injured shoulder. Will be going to the doctor tomorrow, hopefully! He did 21-15-9 airdyne, lunges, and sit-ups with a 40lb vest on.

Look into increasing his verticle with plyo-metrics.